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Computers-Computer Products
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1720 NW 24th St. Unit C
Fruitland, ID 83619
Busness Hours Tuesday Friday 10-6 Saturday 12-5
We specialize in computer software, security, and hardware. From personal to business systems, we provide expert assistance for any computer issue. Our store also offers a wide range of items like RAM, thermal paste, and peripherals. As well as our in-store diagnostics are
always free!

Our Story
Me (Kole) and my good friend Carlyn, decided we wanted to start a business together. We worked in the same location working on computers and software and decided that we wanted to own our own company doing what we enjoyed doing. We then started renting the old floral shop in downtown Oregon and began renovating. Once we felt we had a presentable location then we opened the doors to the public in March of 2023.

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