Business Directory

Alphabetical Listing

621 SW 4th Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:
Sun. Closed
Mon. 8 AM - 6 PM
Tue. 8 AM - 6 PM
Wed 8 AM - 6 PM
Thu. 8 AM - 6 PM
Fri.   8  AM  6 PM
Sat.  8 AM - 6 PM

PO box 457
Lextington, OR 97839
Fax: 541-989-8507
Bailey Heavy Equipment Repair specializes in repair of farm, ranch, logging and utility trucks and equipment. We offer line bore services, ANSI Inspections, Dielectric Testing and welding services.  We have been in business for over 40 years.  
Macarty Lord will be the technician in Vale and he has worked for BHER for many years.  He is very skilled on all types of machinery and equipment.   He resides in Vale with is wife Bo.  Our shop location is in Vale OR.
Macarty’s cell is 541-212-2567

We are open Monday-Friday from 7-4 pm and other hours by appointment or emergency calls.
Our website is:

2609 SW 4th Ave
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:
Sun. Closed
Mon. 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Tue.  6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Wed. 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Thu. 6:30 AM -  6:00 PM
Fri.   6:30 AM -  6:00 PM
Sat.  8:00 AM -  5:00 PM

Open for breakfast & lunch serving fresh baked goods and fresh made sandwiches. Baked goods will include some gluten-free, reduced sugar and reduced fat choices. Baked goods will also include a variety of breads as well as sweet desserts.

PO Box 9
Ontario, OR 97914
With the 2017 merger of Baker Packing and Murakami Produce Co., we are now the largest volume onion shipper in Idaho and Eastern Oregon and one of the largest shippers in the United States. We stand for Quality, Innovation, Service, and Legacy. Your one-stop-shop onion packer/shipper and grower network.

435 SW 24th St.
Ontario, OR 97914


Business Hours: 

Sun. Closed
Mon. 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tue. 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wed. 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thu. 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Fri. 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Sat. Closed


Just before WWII ended, a group of forward-thinking farmers & ranchers in eastern Oregon saw a need for banking services in their region & formed the Gilliam County Bank in Arlington, Oregon, in 1945. In the 1950s, the name changed to Bank of Eastern Oregon.
Since its inception, the bank's focus has been to provide quality banking services to eastern Oregon rural communities at a competitive price & to provide excellent customer service.
Bank of Eastern Oregon now operates 13 branches and five loan production offices in twelve eastern Oregon and one eastern Washington counties. Branches are located in Arlington, Ione, Heppner, Condon, Irrigon, Boardman, Burns, John Day, Prairie City, Fossil, Moro, Enterprise, and Pasco; loan production offices are located here in Ontario, as well as in Pendleton, Island City, Lakeview, and Madras. Bank of Eastern Oregon also operates a mortgage division, and operates the Pasco branch under the name of Bank of Eastern Washington.
BEO is a full-service community bank featuring local decision making and offering loans for commercial, agricultural, and consumer purposes. A state of the art mortgage department complements a full array of banking products & services.

1297 Arata way
Ontario, OR 97914
IT Work/ Techology Solutions

1635 SW 4th Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:
Sun. Closed
Mon. 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Tue. 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Wed. 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Thu. 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Fri. 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Sat. 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Always at least 39 beverages on tap, offering a rotating selection of craft beers, wine, craft sodas, sangria, and kombucha teas. Sit down and have a drink here or get a growler to take home.
Choose a beer or wine from our large and unique bottle selection. Over 100 bottles in stock!
Hungry? We can take care of that too. We have a menu including Greek gyro, pulled pork, and french dip sandwiches, tacos, soup, salad, french fries and appetizers.
There are classic automobiles and memorabilia to admire inside our showroom courtesy of Berts Motors.
Enjoy FREE WI-FI and grab a bite to eat in our casual, relaxed atmosphere. Meetings, parties and lounging encouraged!
Two Big screen televisions, Board Games, Cards and Shuffleboard for entertainment.

Our Ontario, Oregon hotel features plenty of touches of home, including a refrigerator and microwave in every room along with a free, full hot breakfast.
Leave the most important meal of the day to us. Our Ontario hotel features a wide selection of breads and pastries, fresh scrambled eggs, breakfast meats, cereals and yogurt. Top off your meal with a cup of 100% Arabica coffee or chilled juices. It's the perfect start to a day of adventure, and one of the warm touches of our hotel that makes guests feel right at home.
Snake River is just a short drive away for water recreation enthusiasts and nature lovers. Just one block from Interstate I-84, it's simple to get around the region and explore. Our Ontario hotel is within walking distance to Walmart® so guests can easily pick up some essentials. We offer a great location that combines access to modern conveniences and the best of the great northwest.
Close to restaurants and shopping, we're just four blocks from a movie theater and bowling alley. Snake River is also just two miles away and a sprawling golf course is five miles from our Ontario hotel. No matter what you're in town for, whether the Fiddler Festival or to get away from it all, our friendly staff is happy to provide recommendations on local attractions.
We're located at the intersection of Highway 20 and Highway 30 to provide easy access for our guests. If you're here on business, the prime location of our Ontario hotel makes zipping around town a breeze. Regular business travelers include employees of government offices, the Correctional Facility and Treasure Valley Community College.
Reserve your room at the BEST WESTERN Inn & Suites and rest assured you'll enjoy a stress-free vacation! Enjoy your stay.

12639 W Explorer Dr Ste 200
Boise, ID 83713
BBB helps people find and recommend businesses, brands, and charities they can trust.
People today are overwhelmed with choices – and often unsure about where to find verified, unbiased information. There are more than 30 million businesses in North America alone; and hundreds of thousands of sites around the world where people shop online. There are thousands of free and subscription websites that offer a range of information, including reviews, reports, directories, listings, and gripe sites. BBB is the one place you can find it all.
For over 100 years, BBB has helped people make smarter decisions and is evolving to meet fast changing marketplace needs.

BBB sets standards for ethical business behavior and monitors compliance. Almost 400,000 Accredited Businesses meet and commit to our high standards.
BBB helps consumers identify trustworthy businesses, and those that aren’t, through more than 4 million BBB Business Reviews.
BBB sets standards for and evaluates thousands of advertisements each year to ensure that people can trust what advertisers say.
BBB sets standards for and evaluates the practices of thousands of charities so that donors know where their money is going.
BBB coaches businesses on ethical behavior and how to build stronger, more trusting relationships with their customers.
BBB offers its national and local consumer services online and in person. Through our efforts, BBB helps millions of people each year.
The Council of Better Business Bureaus(CBBB) is the network hub for BBBs in the US and Canada. Like BBBs, CBBB is dedicated to fostering honest and responsive relationships between businesses and consumers -- instilling consumer confidence and advancing a trustworthy marketplace for all.

245 SW 3rd St.
PO Box 594
Fruitland, ID 83619
Big Sky Sportswear has been in business since 1981. It started out strictly as a screen printing business supplying most of the area with team shirts. In 2005, Lucinda Day purchased the business and merged her existing embroidery business with Big Sky. We have an in-house artist to help with screen printing needs as well as an in-house digitizing to help with embroidery needs. We can recreate you existing logo or help you get your ideas in an art format. Big Sky is open Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. to help you with corporate, team, or individual apparel as well as caps, bags and a myriad of other items.

89 SW 2nd Ave
Ontario, OR 97914

280 South Oregon St.
PO Box 280
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:
Sun. Closed
Mon. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tue. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wed. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thu. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fri. 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sat. Closed

Blackaby Insurance Agency, Inc is independently owned and locally operated to handle your insurance needs. We focus on Ontario and offer affordable and reliable insurance choices all across Oregon. We will help you find the right combination of tailored, personalized insurance coverage at just the right price to fit your needs.

251 W Idaho Ave.
Ontario, OR 97914

188 Sw 1st Ave.
PO Box 189
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:

Mon. 8 AM - 5 PM
Tue.  8 AM - 5 PM
Wed  8 AM   5 PM
Thu.  8 AM - 5 PM
Fri.    8 AM - 5 PM
Sat.  Closed
Sun. Closed
Closed for Lunch 12 pm-1 pm

1008 SW 4th Ave
Ontario, OR 97914
Fax: 541-216-6103
Hours: 7 am -10 pm
Blue Mountain Auto is your source for used cars, trucks, motorcycles, and RVs in the Treasure Valley and beyond. We move mountains to get you into a vehicle. Don’t see what you are looking for on the lot? We can search the nation to find what you are looking for.
It began as a way to help family members buy good quality used vehicles. Blue Mountain Auto has grown from a driveway idea to a Storefront on SW 4th AVE.

1315 SE 1st Ave
Ontario, OR 97914
Business Hours:
Sun. 8 AM - 8 PM
Mon. 7 AM - 9 PM
Tue. 7 AM-   9 PM
Wed. 7 AM-  9 PM
Thu. 7 AM -  9 PM
Fri.   7 AM -  9 PM
Sat. 7 AM -   9 PM

505 Sunset Dr
Ontario, OR 97914
Fax: 541-889-4730
BMO (previously Bank of The West) provides checking, savings, credit cards, mortgages, auto loans, business banking, commercial banking and more.

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